Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Journalist does NOT = computer nerd

I read chapter three of James Foust's Online Journalism and there was one thing that caught my eye as a journalism major.

Although it is relatively easy to understand, HTML has many different aspects.

Uh, what? Sure, there were some things that were easy to understand such as tags and styles, but it's going to take awhile to figure out.

I thought the whole point of journalism was to not have to be a computer science major, but there I was reading a chapter about programming. HTML is supposed to be easy according to my dad, who did computer programming, but I'm not catching on yet.

At some point, I'll probably have to pick this up because journalism is going to be online but hopefully it will come easy to me at some point.


Scott Brodeur said...

Knowing some html basics will surely come in handy as you start doing more and more online journalism.

Anonymous said...

Note that it says relative. Relative to WHAT exactly, may be a different story. Relative to performing successful brain surgery on a moving train, anything is easy.

HTML is one of those things that, these days, you don't really need to be a pro at, but basic knowledge of things can help with. Knowing that you can just use a tag to make text bold, or italicized, etc., can, if nothing else, speed up the process of blogging.